PD Dr. habil. Helmut Brentel Consulting & Training in Higher Education
PD Dr. habil. Helmut BrentelConsulting & Training in Higher Education

Follow-Up Workshop "Professionalization of PhD Supervision"


This one day workshop provides additional training and exchange of experiences for the participants of the initial supervisors training workshop on “Professionalization of PhD Supervision". There are five main objectives:

  1. The workshop offers an opportunity for previous participants of the initial supervisors training to meet each other again, to report about their recent experiences, strategies and success stories, about the use they have made of the acquired knowledge, the techniques and systematic for improving their personal and institutional supervisory practices. How were they able to implement their good intentions and plans? Which modules and elements turned out to be especially helpful for them and their doctoral candidates? Which of their problems and challenges were they able to solve and to improve much better? Which problems and challenges may still remain, and which new questions may have been arisen?
  2. The workshop provides additional information in international developments, literature and surveys in doctoral supervision, and it offers additional supervisory tools, e.g. on motivating doctoral candidates or on co- and team supervision.
  3. The workshop further strengthens the capabilities of supervisors to systematically work with supervisory tools and to design themselves supervisory tools which they may be in need of (e.g. detecting and solving problems, motivation or selecting doctoral candidates.). . In an working group exercise they will get to know and test techniques for designing their own supervisory tools which they may be in need of (e.g. detecting and solving probelms, motivating or selecting doctoral candidates). In an interactive group exercise the participants will get to know and to test techniques for developing their own supervisory tools.
  4. The workshop closes with jointly conducting an 'Intervision' exercises, a group peer coaching technique for presenting, discussion and solving cases and exchanging experiences, and by elaborating strategies and suggestions for the upcoming time.
  5. The overall aim of the follow-up workshop is to provide the experience and the space for the beginning of a lifelong advancement of supervisory skills and community building, a growing confidence of the notion of professionalism in doctorak supervision as a joint collaboration of peers exchanging their expertise and the development of an upmost productive and supportive supervision culture.