PD Dr. habil. Helmut Brentel Consulting & Training in Higher Education
PD Dr. habil. Helmut BrentelConsulting & Training in Higher Education

Professional Training for Supervisors and Doctoral Candidates

Professionelle Workshops zur Aus- und Fortbildung von Hochschullehrern und Doktoranden in der Promotionsbetreuung


The initial 2-days workshop on 'Professionalization of PhD Supervision' is the basic indispensable qualification measure for all future doctoral supervisors - experienced post docs, junior professors, newly appointed associate professors in their first position. It is the duty and responsibility of university and faculty heads to continuously provide sufficient training capacity (by external or inhouse trainers) in order to endow all these colleagues  with outstanding professional supervision knowledge and skills from the beginning of their doctoral supervision  activity.


The same is true for the doctoral candidates who should get the opportunity to participate in a one-day doctoral supervision workshop in order to receive a similar professional supervisory qualification as their supervisors and thus to develop a productive and supportive trust and competence relation as a professional couple and team.


On the solid bases of these starting points further smaller but continuous training measures have to enable and guarantee  the sustainability of professional doctoral supervision. Follow-up workshops as refreshments as well as with additional topics have to enable that colleagues stay on top of national and international developments in doctoral supervision, that we are innovative and decisive to avoid setbacks to previous practices and that we are able to jointly create vivid communities of best professional practice in doctoral supervision.


Workshops for experienced supervisors have to take into account their specific interests and time restrictions. Workshops for deans and heads of doctoral school turn out to be very helpful to find,  inform and convince quality ambassadors, multiplier and supporters of the good practices and success stories of comprehensive professional supervisors development.


You find detailed workshop descriptions for these training measures by following the links on the left menue bar, comprehensive and detailed information and concepts in my handbook on 'Doctoral Supervision'.


All workshops offered can be tailored to your specific needs. If you have questions and wished please do not hesitate to contact me. I will offer enough conversation and reflection time to jointly find the best suitable measures and solutions.


All workshops can be provided in English and German language. It is of course possible to switch between the languages during the workshop. But the language of the workshop materials (ppt slides etc.) has to be determined.

Meanwhile the majority of workshops in this area is also in Germany given in English language.


Alle Workshops können in englischer und deutscher Sprache durchgeführt werden.  Es ist aber jederzeit möglich während des Workshops zwischen Englisch und Deutsch zu wechseln. Eine Festlegung muss bezüglich der Workshop-Materialien (ppt-Folien etc.) getroffen werden.

Die Mehrheit dieser Workshops wird in Deutschland mittlerweile in englischer Sprache durchgeführt.