PD Dr. habil. Helmut Brentel Consulting & Training in Higher Education
PD Dr. habil. Helmut BrentelConsulting & Training in Higher Education

Information Workshop on Supervisor Training for Heads of Doctoral Programmes


This one day workshop is especially designed to provide detailed information about supervisor training for heads of doctoral programmes and schools. It introduces into the international developments in doctoral supervision and into the qualification aims and objectives, into the topics, concepts, methods and tools of supervisors training.

The workshop provides space for discussion and the exchange of experiences. It includes also interactive exercises during which the participants will elaborate their own results and suggestions. The workshop will inform also about the encouraging results of supervisors training, the feedback and the success stories of former participants of initial supervisors training workshops.

It does not substitute an initial supervisors training or a workshop for experienced supervisors. The main aim is to deliver profound information about the state of the art in doctoral supervision and to prepare and support the participants for discussions and decisions on university or faculty level in order to improve the quality of doctoral supervision and to establish an upmost productive and supportive supervision culture.